


The Designated Attendance Lead: Miss Daisy Bailey

Attendance Officer: Miss Gina Neal

Link Governor: Mrs Eileen Sharpe


  • Attendance Policy 
  • Attendance Roles Responsibilities
  • DofE Attendance table of responsibilities

At Oak Tree Primary School, we recognise the importance of regular school attendance as a key factor in promoting the welfare, social inclusion and achievement of pupils.  Children should attend school every day and arrive on time.  Our doors open at 8.45am which allows children 15 minutes to settle into school before being seated in the classroom for registration at 9.00am. 

Absence Reporting

If your child is too unwell to attend school, their absence should be reported via the MyEd app.       


You can download MyEd from the stores below:


Please report your child’s absence as soon as possible on the morning of the first day of absence and for each subsequent day thereafter.

Please either:

  • telephone the school, selecting option 1, and report the reason for absence
  • notify us on MyEd (preferred)
  • email the school office at

Children with vomiting and diarrhoea are to be kept off school for a minimum of 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.  They may only return to school 48 hours after they are clear of symptoms. 

Medical Appointments

Every effort should be made to arrange medical and dental appointments outside of school hours.  We appreciate that this is not always possible, so in these cases the appointment letter should be emailed to the school office for a copy to be taken for our records.

Holiday Requests

Holidays during term time are discouraged. However, if you are planning a holiday during term time, this must be reported to the school by completing the Request for Authorisation of Absence Form below. The Headteacher will only authorise absences that fall under exceptional circumstances, and this will be very rare. 

Parents who decide to take a holiday without the Headteacher’s permission will incur unauthorised absences for their child and the absence may be referred to the Pupil Entitlement : Investigation Team for their consideration as to whether a Fixed Penalty Notice should be issued.