

Click below to view our curriculum (launched September 2019); our Curriculum Intent and Implementation:

Manor Field School – Curriculum Map

Curriculum Drivers Intention and Implementation

Curriculum Intent Statement

Curriculum Presentation (September 2019)

Please click on the SUBJECTS tab access more information on each individual subject taught in our curriculum.

Each book cover will take you to the year group theme overview – please click the images below:

Year Groups

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Curriculum Subjects

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Art Lead: Mrs K Brenner

Subject Policy: MF Art Policy 2021

Subject Document: MF Art Coverage and progression 2021

Subject Gallery: Art Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

‘Every Child is an Artist’ – Pablo Picasso

Creativity is a vitally important component of a child’s learning and development. Without the appropriate use of imagination and creativity, pupils are in danger not engaging with their own learning or be able to express themselves well.


Art helps children to deepen an understanding of their own and others’ creative ideas, as well as their skills in appreciation and evaluation. It also helps them to develop their own technical abilities in areas such as painting, puppetry, sculpture, sketching and collage.

At Manor Field, Art and Design is seen as an essential part of the curriculum and is taught regularly across the term. Across the KS1 and KS2 curriculum, pupils will gain greater knowledge of artists across a range of art forms, both traditional and contemporary, and an understanding of art history. The progression of art skills through their time at Manor Field encompasses a wide variety of artistic and design mediums and styles, including pottery, printing, drawing, painting and digital art.

In KS2, the pupils are encouraged to keep detailed sketchbooks which stay with them as they progress through the year groups, to show the development of their skills and knowledge.


There are also opportunities to work on external art projects, and the curriculum is enriched with visits from artists, the opportunity to take part in the after school art club, and in wider creative events.

Access All Arts Week

In June 2022 we took part in the national initiative, ‘Access All Arts week’. At Manor Field we decided that during Access All Arts week, each unit would have a whole day dedicated to art activities. So across the school, we have been creating all sort of brilliant artworks, using dance, drama, poetry, 2d and 3d sculpture, painting, and installations. Please see the following slideshow to view all the children’s hard work and creativity.

During 2020, Manor Field pupils worked with professional artist Maria Amidu to participate in a local community art project. The project involved both the school and local residents association in working with Maria to develop ideas  for the murals that have been painted on the Wivelsfield Station bridge areas. A short video about the project can be found here:


In keeping with our Thrive and Mind-Up programmes, this year, we will be engaging in some more school-wide art projects, and encouraging the children to use their expressive art skills and imagination to support their learning and well-being, both within and beyond the curriculum. 

‘A healthy mind needs to exercise its imagination…’ (Jodie Whittaker)

Subject Policy: MF Computing Policy 2021

Subject Document: MF Computing curriculum coverage 2020-2021

Subject Gallery: Computing Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]


Computing at Manor Field

At Manor Field Primary School, we deliver a carefully designed curriculum that encourages pupils to embrace and utilise new technology in an evolving digital world. A theory-based approach combined with practical sessions underpins our curriculum to allow our pupils to understand the concepts of computational thinking and implement their skills in real world contexts while maintaining their safety online.


Across the school we follow the Teach Computing scheme of work. This was launched in September 2022. Teach Computing is supported by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE), as funded by the Department of Education. Children are taught progressively about the following key areas:

  • Algorithms

  • Computing systems 

  • Creating media 

  • Data and information 

  • Design and development 

  • Effective use of tools 

  • Impact of technology 

  • Networks Programming 

  • Safety and security

    As children progress from year to year, they are introduced to new concepts and terminologies. Each year the children have more opportunities to apply taught skills and knowledge. Children throughout the year also take part in events such as Computer Science Education Week and Safer Internet Day to further their knowledge and become more engaged in their learning.

Online safety underpins the computing curriculum at Manor Field. Each child is taught how to use the internet safely and respectfully, understanding the necessary precautions to take and where to seek help.

Computing at Manor Field


Each year, the children partake in the Hour of Code, a global movement teaching millions of students around the world how to code in just one hour. The program is designed to demystify code, to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. 

Design Technology Lead: Mr G Moulden

Subject Policy: MF D&T Policy 2021  

Subject Document: MF D&T Coverage and Progression 2021

Subject Gallery: Design Technology Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

  “Design is concerned with how things work, how they are controlled, and the nature of the interaction between people and technology. When done well , the results are brilliant, pleasurable products.” – Don Norman 

Design and Technology encourages children to develop planning, practical and cross curricular skills using a range of materials.  By working with different types of media, pupils learn the qualities and limitations of different materials, improve their dexterity and acquire skills for life. The teaching of Design and Technology at Manor Field School celebrates this country’s wealth of engineering achievements, with the intention of fostering a curiosity and desire to encourage the next generation of brilliant engineers!

At Manor Field School every child studies Design and Technology throughout their journey up the school. This begins by learning the design process: making sketches of their ideas, using card models and designing templates for their projects.

Children are taught how to use a range of tools safely and acquire the technical knowledge to select the appropriate tool for different materials.

Design Technology has a strong cross-curricular element, with many processes involving science and maths.  A recent project to create moon buggies for example, required accurate measuring, sawing and fixing, to create a sturdy weight bearing chassis that was capable of being propelled by a motor. Pupils undertake a wide variety of projects including the construction of tall or weight-bearing structures, for example bridges, which incorporate other skills, such as physics. All our pupils have use of a ceramic kiln, providing them with an opportunity to create practical products that have a use and a permanence. Children also get to learn about food, diet, health and hygiene in a practical context using our amazing class kitchen, allowing whole classes to learn in a highly engaging and safe environment.

Design and Technology is further supported by a popular after school club and has links with Burgess Hill Academy to provide further opportunities for pupil enrichment.


Subject Leader: Kelly Forster &  Zoe Garling

Subject Policy: MF Phonics & Spelling Policy

Subject Document: Phonics and Spelling Curriculum Progression

Subject Gallery: Phonics Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

At Manor Field, we believe Phonics and Spelling are essential skills that allow our pupils to communicate their understanding in all curriculum subjects. For pupils to develop into effective and confident readers and spellers, they need to develop and use a range of reading and spelling strategies. For this to be achieved, phonics is taught actively and explicitly with the understanding that the greatest impact is achieved when children are encouraged to apply their skills to a range of meaningful contexts. 

The systematic teaching of phonics is fundamental. Throughout their time at Manor Field School, children will experience high quality, discrete synthetic phonics teaching. This will be tailored to the individual needs of the pupil and be both engaging and dynamic. 

Here at Manor Field we follow the systematic approach laid out in the Song of  Sounds scheme (Introduced September 2021) providing pupils with an exciting and multi sensory approach to phonics. Song of Sounds is a fun and exciting program, where children learn the phonemes for their stage of development to the tune of ‘skip to my lou my darling’. It is a kinaesthetic approach involving song, adults in role and practical games. Pupils at Manor Field really enjoy phonics sessions and our approach is consistent from EYFS, through Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2. 


Pupil Voice Presentation

Please  click on the link below to see the results of the pupil voice survey for Phonics – Pupil voice – Phonics

Useful Links:

Phonics Meeting Presentation: Phonics Meeting – Foundation Stage 2023/2024

What is Phonics?:

Guide on how to pronounce pure sounds:

Song of Sounds Stage 1:


Actions: [embedded documents below]

Song of Sounds Stage 2:



Song of Sounds Stage 3:



Subject Leader: Mrs L Dobson and Mr S Tubb 

Subject Policy: MF Reading Policy

Subject Document: MF Reading Progression Document 2021

Subject Document: How to practise Reading Skills at Home

Subject Gallery: English Reading Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

At Manor Field, we believe that the ability to read is fundamental to the children’s development as independent learners, during their time at school and beyond. Reading is central to our ability to understand, interpret and communicate with each other and the world around us.

We strongly believe that reading is a vital life skill and we strive for all children to enjoy and value it. It is our aim to develop and create passionate readers for life.

Success in reading has a direct effect upon progress in all areas of the curriculum; therefore reading is given a high priority at Manor Field Primary School, enabling the children to become enthusiastic, independent and reflective readers across a wide range and types of literature, including different text types and genres, books, posters, magazines, signs and newspapers.


Staff Training INSET English Reading 14th February 2020

Subject Leader: Mr S Tubb

Subject Policy: MF Writing Policy 2020

Subject Document: MF Writing Curriculum Coverage

Subject Gallery: English Writing Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

At Manor Field we are committed to achieving excellent standards in written communication. We teach a broad, balanced and creative English curriculum, designed to motivate, inspire and challenge our children to achieve their full potential.

We begin all writing units with a creative hook, exciting the children and activating their prior knowledge. We then share with our children a high quality text (often linked to our Theme Learning), exemplifying the type of writing we are learning about. Speaking and listening is at the heart of our writing curriculum, and we draw upon aspects of Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing approach – we believe that children should be able to orally rehearse what they are going to write before they write it.

We always break learning down into small steps, building up to a final written piece. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are taught in context, carefully woven into the writing curriculum. We always ensure we give our children a real purpose and audience for their writing – this may be written, spoken, performed, filmed or even blogged.


We offer individual and group instrumental lessons for children in years 1 – 6, delivered by specialist teachers.
Lessons are available during school time on guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard, delivered by tutors from West Sussex Music: 
We also offer violin lessons, delivered by Bethan Wardrobe.

Little Big Sing

In March, Year 2 children took part in a ‘Little Big Sing’ at London Meed Primary School. They spent the morning singing with children from other primary schools in Burgess Hill, led by Miss Bond. The children learnt an action song from Tanzania called ‘Simama Ka’, a 4-part round called ‘The Wreck’ and a song Miss Bond composed especially for the event called ‘Sing Your Heart Out’. 




Manor Field Choir

Our Manor Field choir is made up of children from year 5 and 6, and we meet and practise together every Friday lunchtime. The choir often performs at our school Summer and Christmas fayres, in school assemblies, and in the community, including Martlet’s shopping centre and Hilgay Care Home. In December, their performance of ‘Christmas Is Here’ was performed on Mid Sussex Radio! 





Sing Up Day

In June, the children in Years 1 – 6 took part in ‘Sing Up’ day. They joined thousands of other children across the world in learning the song ‘Dreams Across The Ocean’ and performed it in an assembly. We are recorded ourselves singing and are delighted to be a part of the Sing Up day digichoir.

See if you can spot Manor Field in the video! –


Our Year 5 recorder group are in their second year of learning the recorder. They rehearse weekly, and have recently given their first performance to the year 3/4 children who are currently learning the recorder. You can listen to their performance of ‘Shrimps on Tour’ on the website. 

‘Intergenerational Care Home Project’

This year, a group of year 6 children took part in a project called ‘Intergenerational Challenge: Become A Care Home Friend’, led by My Home Life England. The children learnt all about care homes and what they provide, thought about different ages and generations, and sent postcards to residents at our local care home. The project culminated in a musical performance to residents at the end of the Spring term. They performed songs from the decades including ‘Walking on Sunshine’, ‘Rockin’ All Over The World’ and ‘Here Comes The Sun’, then enjoyed some squash and biscuits, and a chat with the residents afterwards. Well done to all the children for their enthusiasm, curiosity and kindness throughout the project!



Geography Lead: Miss K Collins

Subject Document: MF Geography Curriculum Progression Document 2021

Subject Policy: MF Geography Policy 2020

Subject Gallery:  Geography Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

At Manor Field School we believe that all children should be given the opportunity to experience a high quality Geography education. As a result we have developed an exciting new curriculum which puts Geography teaching and learning right at centre. Throughout their time at Manor Field School, children will experience a range of Geography based themes which include a progression of Geographical skills, built upon year after year. 

As young Geographers, our children will be able to make better, more informed decisions about how to live their lives now and in the future. Geography teaches children essential knowledge about the ever changing world around them and how to improve the world through social and environmental action. 


“Geographic skills provide the necessary tools and techniques for us to think geographically. They are central to geography’s distinctive approach to understanding Earth’s physical and human patterns and processes” – National Geographic


We aim to give children a Geography rich education by using a range of different teaching approaches and enabling our young Geographers to learn through practical first hand experiences. 


Geography is visible all around our school as our units are named after the World’s seven continents and our classrooms are named after cities from all around the world. When children arrive back at school every September, they will become immersed in Geography as they will learn all about the location, culture and traditions of their new class name. 

Subject Lead for French: Madame Le Moal

Subject Policy: MF French Language Policy 2020

Subject Document: MF French Curriculum Coverage 2020-2021

Subject Gallery: Modern Foreign Languages Photo Gallery [unmade webpage]

At Manor  Field  we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps them to develop communication skills including key skills of speaking and listening and extends their knowledge of how language works.  Learning another language gives the children a new perspective on the world encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.


There is a statutory requirement for children in KS2 to learn a foreign language.  At Manor Field, children entering KS2 will have a basic foundation in MFL learning thanks to the provision provided in EYFS and KS1.  There is no statutory requirement for children in EYFS or KS1 to learn a foreign language.  However, we believe that, the younger the child learns another language, the more confident they will become in speaking it.  French is taught by a native French speaking specialist teacher throughout the school, from Reception to Year 6.

Children in EYFS and Y1 receive a weekly 30 minutes lesson, which enable them to develop their early language acquisition skills and facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language. Children in year 2 and KS2 receive a weekly 1 hour lesson, which is designed to meet the attainment targets of the KS2 Languages Programme of Study.

The approach is multi-sensory through games, songs, rhymes and role-play, with the aims of developing listening and speaking skills in an enjoyable way and introducing pupils to the French culture. KS2 children also develop their reading and writing skills in the target language

At  Manor Field the aim of teaching MFL throughout the school is to enrich the curriculum,  and to encourage and celebrate diversity. By developing children’s linguistic competence, we equip them with a lifelong skill and instil a broader cultural understanding. Children at Manor Field are encouraged to understand the relevance of what they are learning in languages and how it relates to everyday life, work and travel.  We emphasise how learning a language will help them with communicating when travelling abroad, and will ease the acquisition of further languages, both now and in their future careers.

[embedded documents below]

French Learning


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